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Instructor Certified?
Instructor / Examiner
In addition to a 4th degree or above cert, Instructors must have passed an IIC to grade students and apply for ITF Certification.
If your unsure please ask to see the Instructor's qualifications. Any reputable ITF Instructor is proud to display the above.
Organisation Certified?
ITF Clubs
If your organisation is in good standing with the ITF they will be listed on our web and have one or both of the following on display:
If your unsure please ask to see the Instructor's and Club's qualifications. Any reputable ITF Clubs or Instructors are proud to display the above.
15th April 2013
It is with great pleasure that I welcome GM Han Sam Soo to th ITF. GM Han
has worked extensively as assistant to Gen. Choi Hong Hi during the 70's to
the 90's. The best way to describe Master Han? On his most important event
in his life, on his wedding day, he wore his best outfit..the DOBOK. There
is no better way to describe his love and devotion to Taekwon-Do.
Master Choi Jung Hwa.
[Views: 5998]