The Unit, Victoria Lane Harlington, Middlesex UB3 5EW United Kingdom |
If there is an item of news that you would like to show on this site then please use our contact us form
Instructor Certified?
Instructor / Examiner
In addition to a 4th degree or above cert, Instructors must have passed an IIC to grade students and apply for ITF Certification.
If your unsure please ask to see the Instructor's qualifications. Any reputable ITF Instructor is proud to display the above.
Organisation Certified?
ITF Clubs
If your organisation is in good standing with the ITF they will be listed on our web and have one or both of the following on display:
If your unsure please ask to see the Instructor's and Club's qualifications. Any reputable ITF Clubs or Instructors are proud to display the above.
13th October 2010
Mr. Noel Keating (6th Dan) of Australia will travel to Nigeria, Ghana and Togo in February in order to conduct a series of ITF workshops. Each workshop will run for two days.
The first will be held in Lagos from February 17-18.
Please contact Master George Ashiru of Nigeria at [email protected] for further details.
The second workshop will be held in Accra from February 21-22 with the final one being held in Lome from 24-25.
Please contact Mr Mahadi of Ghana for details at [email protected].
Mr. Keating will be assisted by two students (Simone Warner and Kye Todd). Mr. Keating was motivated to travel and experience the wonderful and varied African culture as a result of the recent African progress report at the ITF Congress in South Korea.
Master Don Dalton,
Chairman ITF Expansion Committee.
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