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Instructor Certified?
Instructor / Examiner
In addition to a 4th degree or above cert, Instructors must have passed an IIC to grade students and apply for ITF Certification.

If your unsure please ask to see the Instructor's qualifications. Any reputable ITF Instructor is proud to display the above.

Organisation Certified?
ITF Clubs
If your organisation is in good standing with the ITF they will be listed on our web and have one or both of the following on display:

If your unsure please ask to see the Instructor's and Club's qualifications. Any reputable ITF Clubs or Instructors are proud to display the above.


BackTermination of Membership

5th August 2009

All current members of the ITF are today informed that the personal membership of Mr Chris Snow (UK-LTSI) has been terminated from the ITF. Members should also be aware and are duly informed any courses, Promotion tests and other associated activities of Mr Chris Snow are not ITF sanctioned, therefore will not be certified by the ITF.

Membership services terminated Mr Snow´s membership, this termination was then appealed against at a recent meeting in Reno with the ITF executive. This appeal was unsuccessful and the temination was upheld. Further it has come to membership services attention that websites that are operated and maintained by Mr Snow are reporting false and misleading information.

The two groups mentioned within these postings did have an association with the ITF via INO 2 ENGLAND ITF.  However there recent expulsion from the INO due to inapropiate activities put them in a position of limbo. Application for an INO was denied as they failed to meet the criteria, Membership services advised both groups via Master Harry that once the criteria can be met then an application will be considered, or seek to re-align with the existing INO to facilitate international team selection etc.

Membership Services

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