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Instructor Certified?
Instructor / Examiner
In addition to a 4th degree or above cert, Instructors must have passed an IIC to grade students and apply for ITF Certification.

If your unsure please ask to see the Instructor's qualifications. Any reputable ITF Instructor is proud to display the above.

Organisation Certified?
ITF Clubs
If your organisation is in good standing with the ITF they will be listed on our web and have one or both of the following on display:

If your unsure please ask to see the Instructor's and Club's qualifications. Any reputable ITF Clubs or Instructors are proud to display the above.


BackSeasonal message from President Choi Jung Hwa and his Executive

22nd December 2021

2021 has been a turbulent year for every nation.  We have experienced more sad losses in our families and communities, seen optimism raised by the introduction of vaccines to help humanity improve our resilience in the face of this pandemic, and activity in our family and Taekwon-Do life increase, only to be faced with fresh consternation in the face of new variants, and another period of uncertainty at a time of year when families and friends traditionally look forward to having time together.

ITF members have continued to train together, whether by Zoom, in clubs or at regional or national events.  ITF and many of our member organisations have hosted courses, seminars, testings and competitions.  Members have progressed, benefitting from the Founder’s extraordinary vision and legacy; every individual achievement a testament to ITF as a whole.  Taekwon-Do is a system which empowers and strengthens its practitioners, regardless of origin, ability, gender or age, through physical activity and conditioning, improving mental health and wellbeing.  Every one of us should recognise and appreciate those who share our passion, recognise our common qualities, and embrace each other within the ITF community.  There are so many external adversities for us all to face, things beyond our control; let us not perpetuate needless, petty issues which only reveal ego, nepotism and weakness.  Let us break down barriers, work together for the benefit of all and truly build a more peaceful world.

Those who are representative competitors, coaches, officials, administration and logistics maintain their focus and hold a course towards the World Championships in July 2022, the flagship to display the honed skills of seasoned Taekwon-Do exponents.  We remain positive that, with the sincere and concerted efforts of every individual, inside and outside of Taekwon-Do, this and every other iconic event planned for 2022 will come to fruition.

Wishing each and every one of you and your families a safe, healthy and peaceful festive period.


President Choi Jung Hwa and the ITF Executive

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