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Instructor Certified?
Instructor / Examiner
In addition to a 4th degree or above cert, Instructors must have passed an IIC to grade students and apply for ITF Certification.

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Organisation Certified?
ITF Clubs
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BackA message to all ITF Instructors

3rd June 2020

To all ITF Instructors

So many weeks have now passed since the closing of our dojangs around the world.  Whilst countries had varying controls and directives in managing the spread of COVID-19, the core message remained the same in that our individual responsibility in adhering to all guidance issued by our home country helped to save lives and care for everybody within our communities.

During the last week, and moving forward, dojangs and gyms around the world have been given different criteria to open.  This has varied from one-to-one training sessions in an open park, group training sessions with social distancing in open spaces, indoor social distance training and, of course, the online Zoom and similar activities.

It is clear that we are now beginning to feel that we can see light at the end of the tunnel in reconnecting more personally with our members.  As an instructor, it is easy to focus on this reconnection but it is our duty to reflect and ensure that all of our community who have passed are remembered and respected in our responsible actions now, when there is still a high risk and need to protect both ourselves and others from contracting COVID-19.

The ITF Executive have been emotionally moved by the actions of our instructors during these difficult and challenging times and appreciate, on many occasions, you may have felt alone.  President Choi and all the ITF Executive have and are still experiencing the same feelings and concerns as all our members, and recognise that during times of adversity, you were our eyes and ears within every community around the world and your sincere endeavours on behalf your club reflected the values of ITF which we as the Executive appreciate, but probably more importantly, together our like-mindedness reminds us all of what an international is and embeds in us.

During this period of closure, we have seen some great ideas and innovations of courses, workshops, seminars and online competitions.  The ITF is aware many more country programmes have been delivered and invite reports, pictures and/or videos be sent to ITF Administration for inclusion in Articles.

We are all aware COVID-19 has not gone away.  It is still virulent and the wisdom that we have gained in recognising this must be continually reiterated to our members to assist the protection of our clubs and communities.

The ITF sincerely thanks all of you in representing President Choi and all of the ITF membership in such a professional and responsible manner.

Stay safe.

Choi Trevor Nicholls

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