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Back3rd Invitational International Taekwondo & 4th Indian National Taekwondo Champion ship-2013
Written by: Radhakrishnan P.R - 20th February 2014
3rd Invitational International Taekwondo Championship & 4th Indian National Taekwondo Championship and 2nd ITF SEMINAR (IIC) - held at Bangalore INDIA, Organized by INO-377 on 29th to 30th December 2013.
It is a great pleasure to inform every ITF taekwondo members that Federation of Indian Taekwondo organized this event with great success.
International Instructor course (IIC) by Master KIROS GEBREMESKEL 7th Dan ITF Ethiopia
Firstly we would like to thank Master Kiros Gebremeskel, Ethiopian ITF President, for accepting our invitation for the 2nd ITF seminar at Bangalore, INDIA. Master Kiros along with 8 competitors and his assistant were welcomed warmly by FIT President & Gen. Secretory at the Bengaluru International Airport on 23rd Dec 2013.
The seminar was inaugurated by the President of FIT, Master Kiros Gebremeskel was introduced to the participants. They were briefed about his achievements in Taekwondo and how he was able to develop Taekwondo in Ethiopia, students were also informed that he has groomed 1300 Black Belts and has established almost 130 clubs in Ethiopia. He conducts seminars in African countries on a regular basis. During his 7th Degree test by ITF Gen. Secretory Master Nicholls at UK , he was given an opportunity to conduct a seminar for the UK-ITF students and they were very appreciative of him.
At the opening ceremony of the seminar, Master Kiros thanked FIT President for inviting him to India, and he also conveyed that he wants to focus on the teaching methods and the original Taekwondo techniques followed by Master Nicholls and GM Choi.
The seminar began at 9 a.m. on 27th December 2013. Around 30 students from Afghanistan, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka and India participated in the seminar. The focus of the seminar was mainly on 1st Dan tulls, self-defense, sparring techniques and special techniques. At the end of the seminar, all the participants were greatly appreciative of Master Kiros'' knowledge of the art and his teaching methods. I am sure all the participants were greatly benefited and have helped them to improve their Taekwondo skills in all aspects.
4th Indian National Taekwondo championship
On 29th December, the 4th Indian National Taekwondo championship was formally inaugurated by Local Corporater Miss. Nandinisrinivas. FIT President Sabum Radhakrishnan introduced the dignitaries to the audience. Master Kiros Gebremeskel delivered a speech about Taekwondo and wished all students the very best, followed by Master Rahim Bernad from UK, Sabum Najmuddin Safi from ITF Afghanistan, and Dr. Cyril Antony from ITF Srilanka, followed by lighting of the lamp by the chief guest.
The tournament started at 11.30 a.m. with junior tulls and sparring which continued till 7.30 p.m. The winners were awarded with medal and certificates.
The 2nd day of the tournament started with the below 13 year category for boys and girls, which was followed by the below 18 and above 18 year categories, which was covered by the media.
The 2-day event was filled with action and enthusiasm. Over 250 young and talented students from all over India participated in this event. It was a visual treat for the audience to see these participants exhibiting their Taekwondo skills.
3rd Invitational International Taekwondo Championship
The 3rd Invitational ITF championship started on 30th December 2013 with participants from 5 countries (Ethiopia, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka, Seychelles, and India). The event began with a demonstration by the Ethiopian ITF students and Indian ITF students. The demonstration was extremely fascinating and enjoyed by the audience. The championship started off with Tulls followed by Sparring. Afghanistan was declared the overall champions followed by Ethiopia and India taking the third place.
A farewell dinner party was organized for all the International participants at Hotel Marriott same evening by President Federation of Indian Taekwondo (INO-377). I would like to thank all masters, officials, volunteers and participants for making this event a grand success..
Written by Radhakrishnan P.R, President (FIT)
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